07737 368804 info@egbee.co.uk


Expand the following options for more information

Including General Numbers, Health & Travel, Doctors Surgeries, Pharmacies, Council, Churches, Community and Other useful webites.

General & Useful Websites

Citizens Advice Bureau 0808 278 7969

East Grinstead Library 01342 332 900

Queen Victoria Hospital, Holtye Rd 01342 410 210

Chequer Mead Theatre  01342 302 000

The Atrium Cinema 01342 32 1666

Sussex Police 101

Neighbourhood Watch: enquiries@sussexnwfed.org.uk

Crimestoppers 0800 555 111

Crawley Open House 01293 447 702

Job Centre 0800 169 0190

Hope Job Club 01342 488 282

East Grinstead Visitor Information 01342 410 121

Mid Sussex Voluntary Action 01444 258 102

Sussex Community Foundation www.sussexgiving.org.uk

Gas (Emergency) 0800 111 999

Electricity (Emergency) 0800 783 8866

Useful local websites

East Grinstead Town Council



Mid Sussex District Council


West Sussex County Council


Health & Travel

Gatwick Airport 0844 8920 322

National Rail Enquiries 0845 748 4950

Metro Bus 01293 449 191

Princess Royal Hospital 01444 441 881

Coronavirus Community & Business Support Mid-Sussex 0330 222 7980

Disability Access – East Grinstead Area 01342 322 242

Doctors & Pharmacies


Moatfield 01342 327 555

Ship Street 01342 325 959

Judges Close Surgery 01342 317 820 

The Health Centre, Bowers Place, Crawley Down RH10 4HY

01342 713 031

Ashdown Forest Health Centre, Lewes Road, Forest Row RH18 5AQ

01342 822 131

Lingfield Surgery, East Grinstead Road, Lingfield RH7 6ER

01342 836 327


Alliance Pharmacy, Lingfield 01342 833 831

Boots East Grinstead 01342 323 405

Crawley Down Pharmacy 01342 716 970

Felbridge Pharmacy 01342 313 840

Forest Row Pharmacy 01342 822 131

Lloyds Moatfield Pharmacy 01342 322 239

Lloyds Pharmacy in Sainsbury’s 01342 314 859

Judges Close Pharmacy 01342 323 003

Churches & Community


Lingfield Parish Council 01342 870 633

Dormansland Parish Council 01342 311 794

Tandridge District Council 01883 722 000

Surrey County Council, Kingston 020 8541 8800

Forest Row Parish Council 01342 822 661

Hartfield Parish Council 01892 888 123

Wealden District Council , Crowborough 01892 653 311

East Sussex County Council, Lewes 01273 481 000

Ashurst Wood Parish Council 01342 823 770

Turners Hill Parish Council 01342 712 226

Worth Parish Council 01342 716 791

West Hoathley Parish Council 01342 811 301

East Grinstead Town Council, East Court 01342 323 636

Mid Sussex District Council 01444 458166

West Sussex County Council, Chichester 01243 777 100


Samaritans 116123 (Free call)

Age UK East Grinstead and District 01342 327 046

Royal National Institute for the Blind 01737 768 935

Sussex Deaf Association 01273 671 899

Mental Health (Sussex) Support Line & Info 0300 5000 101

East Grinstead Mental Health Online

Primary Care Network  01342 545 044

EG Foodbank at Jubilee Community Centre 07983 209 940

CAP Debt Help 0800 328 0006

Community Hub – Covid-19 support including financial hardship

033 022 27980

Wellbeing Hub Mid Sussex 01444 477 191

Social Care Adults 01243 642 121

Social Care Children 01403 229 900

Family Advice & Support 01243 777 807

Friends of Ashdown Forest Online


Lingfield Parish Council 01342 870 633

Dormansland Parish Council 01342 311 794

Tandridge District Council 01883 722 000

Surrey County Council, Kingston 020 8541 8800

Forest Row Parish Council 01342 822 661

Hartfield Parish Council 01892 888 123

Wealden District Council , Crowborough 01892 653 311

East Sussex County Council, Lewes 01273 481 000

Ashurst Wood Parish Council 01342 823 770

Turners Hill Parish Council 01342 712 226

Worth Parish Council 01342 716 791

West Hoathley Parish Council 01342 811 301

East Grinstead Town Council, East Court 01342 323 636

Mid Sussex District Council 01444 458166

West Sussex County Council, Chichester 01243 777 100

In just 3 steps you can register your business and be found easily online.