07737 368804 info@egbee.co.uk


(International Association of Lions Club) District 105 SE.

Telephone: 0845 8339505 Website: www.eastgrinsteadlions.org.uk

Ordinary people / amazing things

East District & District Lions Club was formed and Chartered in 1968. We are one of 40,000 lions clubs with a membership of 1.4 million members worldwide.

  • We meet at Forest Arms first Monday of the month at 8pm.
  • Members are divided into Community Services or Fund raising and 95% of all money raised goes back into the local community and 5% towards International Lions projects.
  • Since 1978 we have organised the MAY FAIR. Many charities benefit from he occasion.
  • We provide holidays for needy folk at our caravan in Pevensey.
  • Every February we arrange a party with entertainment for some 200 plus Senior Citizens.
  • As Lions we encourage and challenge local schools and youth groups to take part in the Lions International Peace Poster Competition.
  • On a National scale Lions support the MedicAlert and through LIBRA Lions support research into blood disorders at Kings College Hospital, locally we have distributed over 2000 “Message in a bottle” since February 2005.

These are just some of the activities in East Grinstead Lions are involved in.

If you would like to find out more about us, visit our website: www.eastgrinsteadlions.org.uk