07737 368804 info@egbee.co.uk
Repair Cafe, Railway Approach, RH19 1SB 10am – 1pm – Sat 9th March, Sat 13th April, Sat 11th May, Sat 8th June, Sat 13th July
Easter Panto, Chequer Mead – 29th March – 1st April
South of England Show, Ardingly Showground – 7th – 9th June
Spring Live, Ardingly Showground – 20th-21st April
East Grinstead Record Fair, Trinity Church Lingfield Rd 9am – 3.30pm – 13th April, 25th May, 27th July
The Mug Tree Easter Wreath workshop – TBC
Vintage Bus Running Day – 21st April
Mount Noddy Spring Into Action Playday – TBC
Museum Easter – TBC
Bluebell Farm at Kingscote – 29th March – 1st April
Collectors Fair, Chequer Mead coins, posters, stamps – 17th April
East Grinstead Museum Tour – 20th April
Mothering Sunday – 10th March
1st March – St David’s Day
17th March – St Patrick’s Day
29th March – Good Friday
31st March – Easter Sunday
23rd April –  St George’s Day
16th June – Father’s Day